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South Asian Showdown - Bollywood/Fusion Dance Competition
The South Asian Showdown is a national competition with great bollywood/fusion teams from all over North America that come to Boston. Bollywood/Fusion is a style of dance from India that is based out of the state of Mumbai that highlights the Bollywood industry. These teams use all sorts of different dance styles including latin, bollywood, bhangra, garba, hip hop and more! They use the different style of dance to showcase their storyline and the mood of the dance at that time. It's a really fun show to watch for the entire family! This will be the 14th year and we have sold out the event with over 1400 people every year! We have teams that put on a showcase to an audience made up of 50% south asians and 50% non-south asians. We take great pride in this event! This is a fantastic event for families with kids of all ages. Anybody who likes culture and music will really enjoy this event! We will also have great food being sold throughout the event as well!

Date: 03/18/2023
Location: Strand Theatre 543 Columbia Road Boston, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Organized By: South Asian Nation

Cost: $20 - $100

Contact: Rohit @ 617-448-2508

Web: http://www.southasianshowdown.com
Email: info@southasianshowdown.com

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