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Kaushiki Chakraborty: Hindustani Classical Concert

Vidushi Kaushiki Chakraborty is today one of the leading Indian classical vocalists and the daughter of Pt. Ajoy Chakraborty. Groomed at Sangeet Research Academy, she is today considered the torchbearer of the Patiala gharana. At age ten, she started learning Indian classical music at the academy of Jnan Prakash Ghosh who was also her father's guru, later joined ITC Sangeet Research Academy from where she graduated in 2004. Vijay Kichlu, director of the academy fine tuned her skill in rendering Khyal. She also trained under her father at his Shrutinandan school of music in Kolkata. ​She has not only specialized in rendering of Khayals and Thumri but she has also learned South Indian Classical music from Dr Balamurali Krishna. She has won many awards and has performed widely in prestigious festivals such as Dover Lane, Sawai Gandharva, ITC Sangeet Sammelan etc. as well as across the globe.

Date: 04/30/2023
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $40 - $100

Contact: Rajesh Godbole: 781-605-9399 or Milind Ranade: 409-201-7110

Web: www.shadaj.org
Email: tickets@shadaj.org

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