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Unity Rally
The India Association of Greater Boston (IAGB), India Society of Worcester, and several allied Asian organizations are organizing a Unity Rally on October 8th at Cambridge Common Park to bring together the community. With the rise of prejudiced behaviors and increasing efforts to create division among the Indian diaspora with polarizing rhetoric separating people based on religion, caste, or race, it is more imperative than ever for us to come together as a community with a unified voice.

We would like to reinforce the message that hate cannot win, the voices of support and kindness will overwhelm those of prejudice. We rally to condemn the increasing number of incidents of anti-Indian and anti-Asian violence and hate. We rally to support those who feel marginalized. We rally to show we are anti-racist. We rally to show we stand together in solidarity and support a culture of unity.

We ask you to join us in support and participate on October 8th at Cambridge Common at 3pm.

(Near Civil War Monument, Cambridge Terrace, Cambridge, MA 02140)

Date: 10/08/2022
Location: Cambridge Common, Near Civil War Monument, Cambridge Terrace, Cambridge, MA
Time: 3:00 pm

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