gyan yog breath At Gyan Yog Breath, we run monthly 200, 300 & 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses as well as continuing education programs with focus on Therapeutic Yoga, Emotional Blockage Treatment and Ayurveda. We are a peaceful, lively and modern Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh, India that combines Western standard accommodation with ancient, traditional yoga practices and teaching methodology. Besides our monthly residential Yoga Teacher Training courses, we also offer comprehensive Online Yoga Teacher Training courses (Yoga Alliance USA, 200 and 300 Hours) that can be started at any time. Date: 10/18/2022 Organized By: Gyan Yog Breath Web: https://www.gyanyogbreath.com/ Email: gyanyogseo@gmail.com | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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