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GITA in 18 Days
Dear All, Learn the essence of Bhakti yoga and philosophy through Bhagavad Gita in 18 days. Dates : 07 Dec to 24 Dec Time : 8:30 - 9:30pm ET on all days Location : Online Admission : Free of charge Registration : https://gitain18days.eventbrite.com Our online sessions will be conducted via zoom. You will receive the zoom meeting details via email to the email address you enter on Eventbrite or meetup upon registration. The Bhagavad Gita is a systematic exposition on the science of Yoga and essence of all Vedic wisdom. Organized in 18 chapters it presents various stages of Yoga, the challenges one faces at each stage and the ways to overcome them. This course is a daily exploration of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, one chapter a day. Join the interactive talk aimed at uncovering lasting solutions to the daily grind of life in a fast-paced world. The experience is enriched by everyday examples and stories. This discussion intends to inspire those with some familiarity with the text and the culture it stems from. WHAT TO EXPECT Vedic Scholars have classified the book broadly into three sections: Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Duty(Chapters 1-6) Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Devotion(Chapters 7-12) Jnana Yoga : The Yoga of Discernment(Chapters 13-18) With each progressing day find yourself going deeper in your understanding and practice of Yoga. Join us for this exciting Journey within! For more info, please contact – info@iskconboston.org

Date: 11/16/2020
Location: Online sessions
Time: 8:30 to 9:30pm

Organized By: Boston

Cost: Free

Contact: For more info, please contact – info@iskconboston.org

Web: info@iskconboston.org

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