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Saheli Movie Night: Driving With Selvi
South India’s first female taxi driver, directed by Elisa Paloschi. See www.drivingwithselvi.com Selvi, like so many girls living in India, is forced to marry as a 14-year-old, only to find herself trapped in an emotionally and physically abusive marriage. One day, in deep despair, she makes a last-second decision to board the bus she was planning to throw herself under, and escape her violent fate. A local welfare organization (”Odanadi”) takes her in, giving her safe shelter and, eventually, the self confidence and drive to become South India’s first female driver.

DRIVING WITH SELVI charts Selvi’s development from 18-year-old ‘survivor’ to wife, mother and entrepreneur, while exploring India’s treatment of female children and its dowry system. As Selvi finds her voice, we rejoice at this ten-year journey of a charming, strong, and utterly courageous young woman who defies all expectations, moving beyond the pain she’s experienced to create a new life and become a role model for the many still trapped in the imprisoned life she escaped.

Date: 10/26/2016
Location: Quincy High School, Adams Hall 100 Coddington Street, Quincy, MA
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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