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Girl Talks; Health and Medicine with Dr. Lall
Girl Talks' mission is to inspire girls from everywhere to be their best selves. With an encouraging platform and welcoming environment, Girl Talks aims to help girls raise each other up. This is an opportunity for girls to share their visions, thoughts, and experiences with other girls. For girls by girls. Today's session is on Health and Medicine. Sarina describes it as such in her blog: https://sarinachand07.wixsite.com/girltalks/post/medicine-and-health Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming to our last meeting, I hope you enjoyed it! This week, we will have a other meeting on Friday at 6:00pm Eastern time. Our focus will be medicine and health (hence the title) and our guest speaker will be Dr.Lall. Here is a little bit of information about her: Bhavna Lall, MD, MPH, MPA is a practicing internal medicine physician with a diverse background in medicine, global public health, and public administration. We will be asking Dr.Lall a few questions and then we will play a Kahoot about medicine! I hope to see you there! Here is the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83018547594 Meeting ID: 830 1854 759

Date: 08/07/2020
Location: Virtual, online Zoom
Time: 6:00pm

Organized By: Girl Talks (For Girls by Girls!)

Cost: free

Contact: Sarina Chand SarinaChand07@gmail.com and Rakashi Chand rakashic@gmail.com

Web: https://sarinachand07.wixsite.com/girltalks/post/medicine-and-health
Email: SarinaChand07@gmail.com

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