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Kids for Hope an outreach initiative of WFH
Kids for Hope, is an outreach initiative of We For Hope , Inc. invites you to join a fun filled evening of MUSIC, DANCE, MAGIC SHOW and come and meet SANTA CLAUSE, come one come all ...more details at our website www.weforhope.org....or call any of us anytime...see you soon. Happy Holidays.

Date: 12/08/2012
Location: Arlington Center for the Arts, Arlington, MA
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Organized By: We For Hope

Cost: Free for kids under 15, and $ 10 each for adults

Contact: Anindiata 919.931.1255
Radhika 716.380.7055 Deepak 508.839.0237 Gouri 508.340.7292 Sumita 781.502.8390

Web: www.weforhope.org
Email: weforhope@gmail.com

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