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NetSAW invites to you a Special Networking Event:Chat and Chai with Radha Jalan, CEO of Electrochem
Ms Jalan, the CEO of Electrochem, is a highly accomplished and successful business woman in green energy technologies. Under her leadership, Electrochem has become a world renowned, leading fuel cell company for the development and commercialization of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. Ms. Jalan will talk about her unique challenges, and share her success story and offer tips and advice to the NetSAW community. Ms Jalan was a recipient of the Asian Business Woman of the Year, Mass High Tech All-Star Award, and recognized as a

Date: 09/30/2012
Location: Minerva Restaurant Sherwood Plaza, 1318 Worcester Rd Natick, MA 01760
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Cost: Registration:
Premium Members: FREE
General Registration: $15
Walk-ins: $20

Web: http://netsawevent-eorg.eventbrite.com/

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