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YOGA Therapy - Diabetes - MSRT - Mediatation
SATSANG Center, Woburn & Shri Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth, Billerica In Cooperation with VHPA Present ************************* YOGA THERAPY FOR COMMON AILMENTS Pioneering Research Using Scientific Research Methodology ******************************* Join us for an evening with Dr HR Nagendra, a brilliant mind presenting cutting-edge knowledge that can enrich your life Monday July 16th , 2012 • 7:00 – 9:00 PM SATSANG CENTER • 1 Pleasant Street; Woburn, MA 01801• PRESENTATION TOPIC: YOGA Therapy & Diabetes - Stop Diabetes Movement (SDM) and Practice of Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) - Advanced Meditation developed for patients of terminal diseases like Cancer and Aids. ************************************* Keynote Speaker Dr HR Nagendra, Vice Chancellor S-VYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India Dr. Nagendra has his PHD in Mechanical Engineering and has worked for NASA in early 70's. He founded Vivekananda YOGA Anusandhana Samsthana and a Hospital called Arogyadhama, a one of its kind Holistic Health Home in India. Dr. Nagendra has developed YOGA Therapy for many common ailments using Scientific Research Methodology. He has written over 35 Books on YOGA and YOGA therapy. Among many other accomplishments, to his credit he has 16 Research Reports published. Dr. Nagendra has standardized many Advanced Yoga Techniques, such as Cyclic Meditation; Pranic Energisation Technique; Mind Sound Resonance Technique; Mastering the Emotions Technique; Mind Imagery Technique, Vignana Sadhana Kausalya and Anandamrita Sinchana.

Date: 07/16/2012
Location: SATSANG Center 1 Pleasant Street WOBURN MA
Time: 7:30 PM

Organized By: SATSANG Center

Cost: None!

Food: Light Snack!

Contact: Contact: Sudhir – 603-623-1930, Pankajben781-334-2968 Chandrakant 781-272-4591 Harshalbhai 617-571-7266

Web: satsangcenter1.com
Email: satsangcenter1@yahoo.com

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