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UstadeMaa Zila Khan - Musical Evening

Acclaimed for her mesmerizing vocals, UstadeMaa Zila Khan has been called ‘the Sufi legend of the new millennium.’ She is the daughter and disciple of the late maestro sitarist Ustad Vilayat Khan, and was the first woman in the Khan family - whose musical lineage goes back seven generations - to sing in public. A leading Sufi singer in India, she performs in the Imadkhana gharana (tradition) of her esteemed family. In addition to Sufi songs, she has a commanding style in classical ragas and has revived the old-world style of ghazals (semi-classical songs).

This program marks her annual Boston appearance.

Date: 09/24/2011
Location: Chinmaya Mission, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA
Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: $50, $75 and $100

Contact: Nidhi Singhal 978.475.5053 or Jyoti Vijaykumar 978.688.7032

Email: nidhi_singhal@comcast.net

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