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Yoga Day at SVC
YOGA DAY at SVC Reduce Stress,Increase Energy Relax and strengthen Your Body Come join us for Hatha Yoga Day, a balanced Yoga experience, designed for individuals who want to learn and be in positive environment. This workshop is appropriate for the absolute beginner and as well as experienced practitioner. We will be doing following practices: 1) Asanas (postures) 2) Yoga Nidra (Deep relaxation) 3) Pranayam (breathing techniques) 4) Dhyana (concentration/meditation) 5) Spiritual Discourse/Chanting 6) Guided Individual Asana Practices For detail schedule visit Website at www.yogavariations.com Date: 10/22/2011 Location: SADHU VASWANI CENTER, 1827 Bridge Street, Dracut, MA 01826 Time: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Organized By: Yoga Variations

Date: 10/22/2011
Location: SADHU VASWANI CENTER, 1827 Bridge Street, Dracut, MA 01826
Time: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

Organized By: Yoga Variations, LLC

Cost: Donation: $50 ($65 after October 15, 2011) Food: Vegetarian Brunch and Tea will be served

Contact: Call to Register: Vijay Chitra at 603.557.8813 or E-mail

Web: www.yogavariations.com
Email: info@yogavariations.com

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