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Moods of the Goddess
For the past 15 yrs., Neena Gulati and the Triveni Ensemble, has brought to the Greater Boston community an exceptionally unique and always highly anticipated evening of dance. In the past few years, the show has quickly sold out, raising thousands for charities internationally. This year, the Ensemble presents Moods of the Goddess, a performance that embodies the essence of womanhood, manifest through three forms of Indian Classical Dance. The Ensemble will showcase traditional pieces that capture the strength, sensuality and complexity of a woman’s body and mind, depicted through pure technical dance and storytelling through movement. Two new pieces will debut, giving a glimpse into the mystique of a woman’s emotions.

Date: 04/03/2011
Location: Maliotis Cultural Center, Hellenic College. 50 Goddard Ave., Brookline, MA
Time: 3:00 pm

Cost: Patrons $50, General Admission $25, Students & Seniors $20

Contact: 617.232.5485

Web: www.trivenidance.org

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