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Krishna Katha By Sadhvi Ritambhara Devi
Pujya Didi Maa, Sadhvi Ritambharaji is a powerful personality and a spellbinding orator. Her discourses are mesmerizing. She is the founder of Vatsalya Gram - a women’s and children’s village. Sadhvi Ritambhara has been the propagator of women’s rights, involved in bringing several environmental and social changes in India ranging from advocating for a cleaner environment to maintaining and cleaning temples. In 1993 Sadhvi Rithambara established Paramshaktipeth trust and in 2002 established an ashram near Vrindavan and Mathura to make women confident and self-reliant. She runs ashrams for unwanted infants, ladies and widows in Indore, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh. She is also the founding chairperson of Durga Vahini.

Organized by: Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA)

Date: 08/27/2010
Location: Waltham High School (Cafeteria)
617 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Sanjay Kaul: 781-893-4982

Web: http://boston.vhp-america.org/
Email: sanjaykaul@hotmail.com

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