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Immortal Melodies
An evening of acclaimed live music from Bollywood movies by the new music sensation "Kashish" Eclectic Passions Through Time www.kashishtunes.com Saturday, July 31st, 2010 at 7.30 PM All proceeds from ticket sales will be contributed towards The Boston Pledge causes. The objective of The Boston Pledge is to promote Entrepreneurship at the bottom of the pyramid. It strives to enable a cross border socio-economic process which will fuse aspirations and skills of people across continents. For more information and tickets visit: www.thebostonpledge.com

Date: 07/31/2010
Location: 125 Prospect Street, Framingham, MA
Time: 7.30 PM

Cost: Donors-#25, Adults-$15, Students-$10

Food: Appetizers and drinks included in ticket price

Contact: Partha Ghosh (617-512-3038), Vijay Narang (585-200-4228), Shirish Nimgaonkar (617-816-2981), Sarojit Malik (508-740-5365)

Web: www.thebostonpledge.org

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