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Political Awareness Event- An Evening With Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan
Dr Narayan is presently a member of Andhra Pradesh state legislative assembly, a former doctor, social reformer, columnist and former Indian public administrator. He was the founder of 'Lok Satta movement', an Indian non-profit for democratic reforms in India. Dr.JP launched the Lok Satta political party in 2006 with citizencentric government as it's main agenda. Join us for this lively interactive discussion as Dr. Narayan will discuss among other topics: * Current state of political affairs * Role of youth and people of Indian origin in Indian politics. * How people can get involved and make a difference

Date: 05/04/2010
Location: MIT - Room 4-270 Maclaurin Building 182 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $5 for Members and Non-Members

Web: https://www.memberconnections.com/olc/membersonly/LVNI/events/event_order.cgi?tmpl=events&event=224

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