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Indo-jazz group Natraj performs with African master drummer Nani Agbeli
World-jazz ensemble Natraj features guest West African master drummer Nani Agbeli for high-energy, innovative, multicultural music. All ages are welcome. A native of the Ewe from the Volta Region of Ghana, master drummer Nani Kwashi Agbeli has thrilled audiences from Africa to the US and Jamaica with his exuberant, folkloric music. He has been a guest artist at institutions such as University of Legon, Ghana; Edna Manley School, Jamaica; Berklee College; Tufts University; and University of Virginia. “Natraj... soul-stirring performance... intoxicating, meditative music... exotic blend of... West African rhythms with the fluid and complex ragas of Southeast Asia... an unforgettable musical journey.” - India New England “Natraj... expand their global reach with sensitivity and imagination.” - Dirty Linen Natraj: Nani Agbeli - special guest, West African percussion Phil Scarff - soprano saxophone John Funkhouser - string bass Jerry Leake - tabla and multipercussion Bertram Lehmann - drums and percussion

Date: 04/30/2010
Location: Ryles Jazz Club
Time: 9:00 pm

Organized By: Ryles Jazz Club

Cost: Tickets are $12. Validated parking is available.

Food: appetizers, dinner, veg/non-veg, drinks

Contact: 617-876-9330

Web: www.ryles.com
Email: contact@rylesjazz.com
Directions: 212 Hampshire St., Inman Square, Cambridge, MA

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