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NATARAJ 2010: Avatar Reloaded
Utsav's Annual South Asian Culture Show! One of the largest events on campus, NATARAJ 2010 will be held on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 at Blackman Auditorium in Ell Hall. Prepare to be dazzled by the variety and elegance of the performances, ranging from classical bharatanatyam to high-energy bhangra to upbeat hip-hop and everything in between! This year's show will be BIGGER and BETTER than ever, featuring professional media production along with interactive live skits throughout the show! Follow along with the creative

Date: 04/03/2010
Location: Northeastern University (Blackman Auditorium) 360 Huntington Avenue
Time: 7:00pm

Organized By: Northeastern University

Cost: Tickets are $5/NU students + faculty and $7/Non-NU attendees.

Contact: Roshni Mirchandani: mirchandani.r@neu.edu Nipali Patel patel.nipali@gmail.com

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