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HAF Awareness & Membership Drive Campaign
HAF's Boston Area Awareness & Membership Drive is on Saturday, March 20 at Chinmaya Mission - Boston! You are invited to be a Hindu American advocate and make a difference. Join HAF and CM for a fun-filled and informative morning.

HAF is largely run by second generation Hindu Americans who have been born and brought up in the U.S. The staff and volunteers understand how to effectively work within the constructs of the American legal, political and academic systems to deliver desired results. Drawing inspiration from the foundation laid by the first generation of Hindu Americans, HAF continues to build a progressive Hindu American voice. Give us a chance, and see the difference.

Keynote Speaker:
Suhag Shukla, HAF Managing Director & Legal Counsel - Born and raised in California, Ms. Shukla moved to Florida to complete her Bachelors and JD. As the mother of two sons, she understands both the importance and difficulty of imparting a Hindu identity to her children. In addition to her fulltime work at HAF, Ms. Shukla teaches eighth grade Bal Vihar at CM Minneapolis.

The HAF Awareness & Membership Drive Campaign is a great way for you to meet the HAF team and network with other HAF Supporters. Learn how:

* You are directly impacted by decisions made by public policy officials
* Your children are affected by inaccurate portrayals of Hinduism in school textbooks and the media
* HAF educates leaders in public policy, media, and academia about Hinduism
* HAF speaks out on issues affecting the two million strong Hindu American community
* HAF builds and leverages relationships to influence change

Date: 03/20/2010
Location: Chinmaya Mission - Boston, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact: 301.770.7835

Web: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/andover2010

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