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Moving Diversity Forward in the Face of Economic Challenges
Please join the SABA GB, AALAM, MBLA, MLGBA and MAHA for our 2nd Annual Joint Bar Diversity Event

Panelists will include:
Aloke Chakravarty, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Criminal Division, Anti-Terrorism and National Security Unit
Geoffrey Why, General Counsel, Dept. of Telecommunications & Cable
Robert Cooper, Vice President /Senior Counsel, OneUnited Bank
Carlos Perez-Albuerne, Parmer, Choate, Hall & Stewart
Bernadette Harrigan, Assistant Vice President & Counsel, Mass Mutual Financial Group

After the success of our first joint panel event last year, 'Let's Get Real About Diversity, please join us for a follow-up conversation. This year, our distinguished panelists will engage in a lively and much-needed discussion on the importance of diversity in our profession, especially in light of the current economic challenges we are facing, and the relevance of diversity, if any, in the age of Obama.

The panel discussion will be followed by a networking reception. Meet members of the affinity bar organizations and others interested in diversity issues, and build a network by sharing common experiences.

Registration: 6:00 p.m.
Panel Discussion: 6:30 p.m.
Networking Reception: 7:30 p.m.

Date: 05/19/2009
Location: Nutter, McClennen & Fish LLP
World Trade Center West 155
Seaport Blvd. Boston, MA 02210
Time: 6:00 pm

Contact: Maya L. Sethi 617-439-2847

Email: msethi@nutter.com

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