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A Conversation for Our Time on Immortality
In this unique dialogue, Mr. Harvey Cox and Dadi Janki will discuss the fascinating topic of immortality and how it applies to modern life in the West.  Learn how "man has been losing his soul" and how he can claim it once again!  Mr. Cox, a prolific author and researcher, is the Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard where has been teaching since 1965. Dadi Janki is a 93 year-old visionary and spiritual teacher who serves as the Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. RSVP IS NECESSARY AS SEATING WILL BE LIMITED!!!

Date: 05/07/2009
Location: Dorothy Quincy Suite, Back Bay Events Center, John Hancock (old), 180 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA.
Time: 6:30 PM

Cost: FREE! But RSVP is necessary!

Contact: 617-926-1230

Web: www.bkboston.org
Email: boston@us.bkwsu.org
Directions: www.backbayeventscenter.com

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