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Walk Against Domestic Violence
On Saturday, September 27th, 2008, Saheli, Friendship for South Asian Women has organized a 5K Walk/Run, an event to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness month in October along with Mahatma’s Gandhi’s birthday celebrations.
The walk starts at Kohl’s parking lot, 150 Lexington Street, Burlington, MA 01803. Registration begins at 9:00am and the walk continues till 12 noon. Registration is $10, seniors and children are free. Water is provided free. Please join us with your family, friends, parents, and neighbors, and support programs to reduce violence against women.
The collaboration between Saheli and Burlington Police Department has been important in helping South Asian families dealing with domestic violence. Margaret Rocco, an advocate working out of Burlington PD who works with domestic violence victims said that ‘when the cases come from the South Asian community in Burlington, it has been invaluable for the advocate to be able to call on the resources of Saheli to help with both language and cultural issues of the community. It has also been helpful for Saheli, who has called on the Police department advocate to help some of the families they work with on the issues of domestic violence. It is collaborations like this that help increase the safety of women and children who face domestic violence’.
The Saheli domestic violence program has assisted over fifty women so far this year. We need funds to support South Asian women, their children and their emergency needs.
Saheli-Men's Initiative: Speaking Out to Stop Violence against Women is an important project that seeks to increase awareness of gender violence. Men who join the Walk show their commitment to ending violence against women to create a more just and compassionate world. Violence against women is not just a women’s issue but requires the active and concerned support of men speaking out and never being silent when they see injustice.
If you have questions send e-mail sahelihelp@gmail.com See the Saheli website at http://www.saheliboston.org For more information: Rita Shah (781) 273-9752 or Gouri Banerjee 617) 735-9724

“There is a bond of trust that exists among woman” Saheli’s mission is to empower woman to lead fulfilling lives by providing friendship, support and guidance through resources and volunteers opportunities

Date: 09/27/2008
Location: Kohl’s parking lot, 150 Lexington Street, Burlington, MA 01803.
Time: 9.00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact: Rita Shah (781) 273-9752 or Gouri Banerjee 617) 735-9724

Web: http://www.saheliboston.org
Email: sahelihelp@gmail.com

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