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Sri Rama Charita Manasa Akhanda Parayanam
Welcome to the fourteenth anniversary of celebrating the Akhanda Ramayana Parayanam at the Sri Lakshmi Temple. We are looking forward to your participation and sponsorship. Please e-mail at if you can join in the Parayanam in order to help us schedule the continued reading. All are invited to participate in the beginning Samkalpa and the concluding Arati. All are invited to stay over at the Temple as guests during the Parayanam.

Saturday, April 12, 2008, 11:00 AM through Sunday, April 13, 2008, Noon followed by Bhajans, Arati and Prasada

Date: 04/12/2008
Location: Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland, MA
Time: 11:00 am onwards

Contact: Bijoy Misra 617-864-5121, Bharat Davé 508-655-2614, Awadh Pandey 508-699-1060, Radha Narayana 508-881-9585 or Prabhu Rathi 617-232-4697.

Email: rathip@juno.com

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