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Surya Namaskar Yagna
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh announces its second annual offering (yagna) of one million Sun Salutations known as Surya Namaskar, to bring awareness among people about Yoga and its advantages in achieving healthy body, mind and spirit.

Surya Namaskar is a combination of few yoga postures called as 'asana (asanas)'. It is practiced in more than 40 different types all over the world. These are set of well-balanced movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body, thus keeping the body and mind healthy. A common practice of performing Surya Namaskar in a set of ten yoga postures provides exercise and several advantages to body muscles and internal organs.

Each year Hindus worldwide celebrate January 14th, as Makar Samkranti day, a change of season and the day the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn or Makar. Makar Samkranti bring in longer days, thus the festivity symbolizes sunshine in the life. Therefore, to mark this occasion, this year, from January 12th to the end of Makar Samkranti celebration on January 27th, HSS will perform the Surya Namaskar yagna together at their weekly events over weekends and by all interested participants at home during weekdays. Last year 5000 people participated and this year we expect over 7000 participants across the United States to perform Surya Namaskar at HSS conducted weekend Shakhas/events and at home with a collective goal of one million Surya Namaskar in two consecutive weeks.

Date: 01/12/2008
Time: All Day

Web: www.hssus.org/sny

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