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Sanskar-Impressions /Artist Rani Sarin
RANI SARIN – new work
Monotypes, mixed media and collages

Sanskar is a Sanskrit word that has several meanings – including Impressions or imprints.

The show will explore the connection between impressions made on our lives, the registration of impressions on the brain and the marks either etched on metal or made on plexi glass and printed or impressed on paper.

Some impressions are deeply etched on the mind and on paper, others are much lighter. The artist is interested in the spaces between the impressions and the relationship between marks. The quest is for the harmony and balance that creates a unified whole.

Rani is a printmaker and paper maker. The marks that she make on paper are based on the impressions on her brain.

The prints that are made are in fact Impressions and just as ghost prints are fainter versions of the original plate the impressions on our lives and minds are also on many planes.

Date: 08/28/2007
Location: Depot Square Gallery, 1837 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
Time: Aug. 28 - Sep. 3

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