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Uttaranchal Association Annual Event
Uttaranchal association of north America would like to invite you in its annual convention in NJ on July 28th 2007 This year we have a pleasure of having few celebrities with us 1. Yr. 2007 Padamshree Award Winner “Walking Encyclopedia of the Himalaya” Prof. (Dr.) Chandra Shekhar Pathak Prof. Pathak is a renowned historian of Himalayan region, highly creative teacher, prominent social activist and distinguished traveler sensitive to socio-cultural and environmental issues. He is editor and one of the founders of PAHAR group of researchers, academicians, cultural and social activists and villagers. 2. Famous kathak dancer Chandrakala Pandey will also join üs at the convention. 3. Live Musical Performance by Sh. Narender Singh Negi Uttaranchali Folk Music can't be complete in itself if the name of Narender Singh Negi is not mentioned. Negiji has a smooth and sweet voice that transcends barriers of language. His rendering of songs instantly inspires the hill folk to stand up and move with the music 4. Girish Pant (Girda ji) whose poem and songs bring life to hills will be with us too Pl Visit www.uttaranchal.org for more info. Or call Pushp kumar 978-667-0176

Date: 07/28/2007
Location: www.uttaranchal.org
Time: 5:00 pm

Contact: 978-667-0176

Web: www.uttaranchal.org
Email: kumarpushp@hotmail.com

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