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Akshaya Patra - Launch Gala & Fund Raiser
The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) headquartered in Bangalore, India is about to undertake its US launch as a gala fund-raiser. This exclusive event will position the organization locally and nationally, emphazing its impact on fighting hunger and promoting education, its unique operating model, professional management, accountablility and transparency.

Event goals are:
• Launch the organization in the US
• Achieve fund-raising goal
• Convey enduring impact
• Market organization with strong image and identity
• Cultivating loyal donors as individuals and corporations
• Inspire and motivate volunteers

Date: 10/05/2007
Location: Hotel Marlowe
25 Edwin H Land Blvd
Cambridge, MA 02141
Time: 6.30 pm

Cost: $ 175

Contact: Kim Shah kim.shah@thermofisher.com
Saluni Fadia ShahChotu@aol.com
Anil Saigal anil@lokvani.com

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