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Gateway Bombay Exhibition
Bombay has served as home and vibrant inspiration for many artists, including Atul Dodiya, M.F. Husain, Bhupen Khakhar, Nalini Malani, Gieve Patel, and Sudhir Patwardhan—artists well-represented in the Museum’s contemporary Indian art collection. This exhibition features works from the Herwitz collection and a dynamic installation in the Atrium by Bose Krishnamachari of video-enhanced tiffin carriers (Bombay’s famous and ubiquitous lunch-boxes).

Gateway Bombay is generously supported in part by Samir & Nilima Desai; the Desai Family Foundation.

The accompanying catalogue, “Gateway Bombay,” is made possible thanks to The Pundole Art Gallery in Mumbai, India.

Bose Krishnamachari's installation, GHOST/TRANSMEMOIR, has been sponsored by Aicon Gallery

Date: 07/14/2007
Location: Peabody Essex Museum, MA
Time: 7/14 onwards

Contact: 978.745.9500

Web: http://www.pem.org/exhibitions/exhibition.php?id=66

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