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Teenage Twist on a Tested Technique / Sanskrit Camp
Set in the scenic location of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, 'Shraddhaa', the four-day residential camp will be held from June 23-27 th, 2007. Keeping in tune with Samskrita-Bharati's listen-speak-read-write method, teenagers aged 13-18 will spend four days hiking, playing sports, doing yoga and attending classes while speaking only Sanskrit. The teaching will be done by youth who have grown up in the US and chosen to make Sanskrit a part of their daily lives. One amongst them, for instance, is Kartik Shastri, an 11 th grader from Boston, who has been attending Samskrita-Bharati family camps since he was 9. Providing the instructors with guidance will be Shri Vasuvaj, a fulltime Samskrita-Bharati volunteer with 20 years of teaching experience.

Date: 06/23/2007
Location: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
Time: June 23 - 27

Contact: Sowmya Joisa: 425-891-8807
Anil Mavanur: 978-486-0380
Kartik Shastri: 781-325-6023
Varija Yelagalawadi: 408-871-0351
Muthu Narayan: 630-527-9308
or 240.338.8525.

Web: www.speaksanskrit.org/shraddhaa/
Email: shraddhaa@speaksanskrit.org

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