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SNEH Karva Chauth Celebration
Just like last year, Sneh will be organizing communal Karva Chauth Celebration on Tuesday, October 10th. The program will start at 6PM with Karva Chauth Pooja, followed by Karva Chauth stories, games (time permitting). Gourmet food (and plenty of it for hungry ladies) will be served immediately after moonrise. There'll be snacks available (before the moonrise) for those who are not on fast on that day. As the event falls on a weekeday, you can join anytime after the start as per your schedule/convenience as well. This is a family friendly event and children are welcome. The cost is $10/adult and $5/child (over 10 year old). Children under 10 are free. The event is limited to 15 couples/families. If you'd like to attend, sign-up ASAP at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sneh/database?method=reportRows&tbl=17 There is no need to buy any tickets in advance to attend the event. However, it's mandatory to sign-up. Sign-up sheet will be closed ASA 15 couples/families sign-up.

Date: 10/10/2006
Location: 45 Meadowbrook rd Franklin, MA 02038
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $10/adult $5/kid above the age of 10

Contact: Madhurima Gupta: 508-245-2428 or Divya Chaudhry: 508-460-1219

Web: www.hindians.org
Email: info@hindians.org

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