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Bhaav Raag Taal
"Bhaav Raag Taal" on Sat, Oct 1 -- Indian Dance compositions, fusing various dance styles, including Kathak and modern variations, and depicting traditional & contemporary themes. Performed by the award-winning Nirupama & Rajendra and the Abhinava dance ensemble from Bangalore, India.

Date: 10/01/2005
Location: Manchester High School, Manchester, Connecticut
Time: 6:30 pm

Organized By: VSEI

Cost: Tickets: $ 30, $ 25, $ 20, $ 15, with discounts for students/children

Food: Snacks @ $ 2

Contact: 860.233.5684, OR (203) 878-0945, OR (203) 284-1221

Web: ----
Email: vsei@ntplx.net
Directions: From Hartford: Rte 84 East -- Exit 59 to Rte 384 East – Exit 3 for Downtown Manchester – end of the ramp – turn Right on to Main St –1 mile – cross Center St – ½ mile – at Walgreens, turn right on to Middle Tpke East – 200 yds -- the school is on the right.

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