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ICICI Bank/Leitner SASC Summer Internships Application Deadline
The Yale Center for International and Area Studies and the South Asian Studies Council invite students to apply for ICICI Bank/Leitner SASC Summer Internships for project work with NGOs in rural and urban India.

The 8 week internships opportunities include:
Business and Community Foundation - Developing an action plan for Employee Volunteering
Shop the Cause - Building networks of handicraft grass-root suppliers
HELP AGE INDIA - Impact Assessment of Health Outreach Program
SHAFA HOME - Assist with the development of a livelihood program with the view of self-sustainability
Aarohi - Develop a Micro Health Insurance system for 5-10 villages
Development Promotion Group- Completing a study of micro credit in rural and urban Self Help Groups

Date: 05/06/2005
Time: 3:00 pm

Web: http://www.yale.edu/ycias/southasia/students/icici.htm

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