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Workshop with Master Kathak Dancer Pandit Chitresh Das
Presented by Chhandika, www.chhandika.org Come experience the percussive footwork, swift turns and expressive hand gestures of Kathak dance! Pandit Chitresh Das, Artistic Director of the Chhandam Chitresh Das Dance Company and one of the most dynamic artistic forces to have emerged from modern India, offers a personally-led workshop in Kathak dance. The event will conclude with a question and answer session. Open to all members of the public, this workshop will be of particular value to anyone with experience or interest in dance, percussion, theater and/or the arts of South Asia.

Date: 05/15/2005
Location: At the Boston Ballet, 19 Clarendon Street, Boston.
Time: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Cost: $25 if registered by May 7th. $30 at the door.

Contact: 617-429-2378.

Web: www.chhandika.org
Email: Chhandika@comcast.net

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