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Akhand Japa Yagya on Chaitra Navaratri
Akand Japa

Gayatri Parivar of Massachusetts

And Satsang Center of Woburn


Akhand Japa Yagya & Meditation on

Chaitra Navaratri

Sunday, 10-APR-2005 from 7:00 AM to 7:00PM

Admission : Free : all are welcome to participate

“Varsha Pratipada” is the “New Year Day”of the ancient Hindu Calendar called “Vikram Samvata”. This day also marks the beginning of “Chaitra-Navaratri”.

Shri Ram Navami is celebrated on the 9th day of Chaitra Navaratri. Navaratris are those special 9-day periods of the year when a little Sadhana (spiritual effort) yields greater results. And a collective Sadhana is even more fruitful.

So, for at least an hour of your choice between 7AM & 7PM, please, join & experience this 12-hours continuous Japa (Akhand Japa). Sadhana will conclude with Arati.
NOTE: You may do the Japa (repeated recitation) of your “Ishta Mantra” or “Guru Mantra” or “Gayatri Mahamantra” for an hour or more. Please signup your time at www.Gayatri.info or e-mail to sangeeta@Gayatri.info or just call 781-863-8886
For more information: Call: 781-863-8886
e-mail: sanjay@gayatri.info

Date: 04/10/2005
Location: Satsang Center, 1 Pleasant St., Woburn MA 01801
Time: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Organized By: Gayatri Parivar of Massachusetts

Contact: Sangeeta 781-863-8886

Web: http://Gayatri.info
Email: sangeeta at gayatri.info
Directions: Satsang Center, 1 Pleasant St., Woburn MA 01801

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