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Conference on South Asian Families and Relationships
Saturday February 12th 11-4:30 ~ To be held at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA ~ Conference topics will include dating and cultural conflicts, same sex, inter-racial and interfaith relationships, arranged marriage, violence in dating relationships, and family violence, and will include speakers and panelists from academia, student organizations and local activist groups. ~ Please see attached fliers for details on speakers and panels, directions and parking. The conference will be accessible via public transportation; this information is included in the directions. For more information contact [ mailto:mhewett@wellesley.edu ]mhewett@wellesley.edu or ritashah@mail.com. ~ This conference has been sponsored through a community-campus partnership between Saheli, Friendship for South Asian Women, and Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures (WASAC), Wellesley College

Date: 02/12/2005
Location: Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Time: 11:00 am

Cost: free

Contact: For more information contact mhewett@wellesley.edu or ritashah@mail.com.

Web: www.saheliboston.org/PDF/Wellesley_conference.pdf
Email: mhewett@wellesley.edu
Directions: Directions: http://www.wellesley.edu/PNE/Building%20Info/Map/PNEmap.pdf Parking: http://www.wellesley.edu/Admin/travel.html

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