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“Raghava” – Watercolors done in Morocco, Spain, France and India.
Raghava is believed to be the most widely celebrated emerging artist in India. At 23, he is already a veteran, with a slew of exhibitions behind him. Having had no institutional training or backing, he has had the support of Indian art personalities, including Shabana Azmi and Shobana. His corporate collectors include the likes of Intel, GE India, & The Hindu, while the media (MTV, India Today, & Times of India) feverishly cover Raghava's art.

Date: 10/02/2004
Location: ARTANA Gallery Brookline 1378 B Beacon Street Brookline, MA 02446
Time: 1 -30 October, 2004

Contact: Tel: 617.879.3111

Web: www.artanagallery.com

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