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Point Your Pivot In... Lifes Balancing Act
An interactive seminar and brunch featuring Ameeta Soni.

Ameeta Soni is the founder and CEO of Aanza AutoID Group and has held leadership roles in a number of new Tech Ventures. She currently lives in Massachusetts with her family and is actively involved in the local community. Ameeta Soni is chair of the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge and serves on the boards of the Technology Capital Network and the Massachusetts Association for the Blind.

Date: 09/19/2004
Location: Kashmir, 279 Newbury Street, Boston, MA Tel: (617)-536-1695
Time: 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Organized By: Indus Women Leaders Boston

Cost: $20 (includes Indian Brunch and a take-home informational package)

Web: https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1521647182300&P=1521647191152446900

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