Inner Engineering Total Inner Engineering In-Person is offered as a 4-day program. The course combines the tools from Inner Engineering Online and transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, a 21-minute life-transforming practice. This format contains powerful meditative processes and practice support through personalized corrections. Additionally, the first hour of every program is a free introductory talk open to the public. This program is offered through an Isha Yoga instructor trained by Sadhguru. This course is offered in various locations across US and Canada and as a retreat at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences. Date: 03/27/2025 Location: St. Vartanantz Armenian Church, 180 Old Westford Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Time: 6:30pm Organized By: Isha Foundation Cost: $375 ($330 Early Bird Discount) Contact: Isha Volunteer - 617-396-4742 Web: InnerEngineering.com/NewEngland Email: boston@ishausa.org | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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