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Potluck Summer Picnic / UIA
United India Association of New England Invites you to our Potluck Summer Picnic On Sunday July 25, 2004 In Larz Anderson Park, Goddard Avenue, In Brookline, Massachusetts From 3:00 PM to Dusk. Please Tell your friends and Bring One Dish to Share.

Program includes: Art Competition, face painting, Children and Adults field events including frolic by a CLOWN, Face Painting, Games, Art Competition, Clown, Tug-o-War.

Date: 07/25/2004
Location: Larz Anderson Park
Time: 3:00 pm

Organized By: United India Association of New England

Contact: Eileen Mehta (617)7343617 or Shobha Khetarpal (617)7347759 or (617)7341036

Web: www.unitedindia.net
Email: uiane2003@yahoo.com
Directions: From the West: Take 128 to Route 9 east, towards Boston. You will eventually pass the Chestnut Hill Mall on your left side. Five or six lights after the mall, you will come to the intersection of Route 9 and Chestnut Hill Avenue and Lee Street, take a right onto Lee Street and follow to end. At the end of Lee Street, take a left onto Newton Street. Follow Newton Street for approximately ¼ mile. The road will fork, go to the left on Goddard Ave. Park is ¼ mile on the right. From the East: Take Route 9 west, towards Newton. After you pass the Brookline Reservoir on your left, take that left onto Lee Street, follow Lee St. to the end. At the light turn left onto Newton Street. Follow Newton Street for approximately ¼ mile. The road will fork, go to the left onto Goddard Avenue. Park is ¼ mile on the right.

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