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TriNethra - the third eye festival of Dance
Trinethra festival the third eye festival of dance November 4th 3:30 PM | Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, 33 Marrett Rd, Lexington MA 02421 After the pandemic, TriNethra now in its 6th season will showcase three classical dance forms and four artists based in the USA. Act 1: 3:30 - 4:15 pm: This year the festival pays special tribute to Neena Gulati, Founder, and Artistic Director of Triveni School of Dance, she was the first to bring Indian dance to New England back in the '70s! Act 2: 4:30 - 5:15 pm: Also be swept away by the dynamic Kuchipudi Dance performed by Kasi Ayasola and his Student Archana Raja. Act 3: 5:30 - 6:15 pm: Sonali Skandan is a Bharathanatyam Dancer who is now experimenting with her dance form. She will present works in the style of Shilpanatanam as developed by her mentor Maya Kulkarni. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trinethra-the-third-eye-festival-of-dance-tickets-698597623297?aff=oddtdtcreator

Date: 11/04/2023
Location: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum 33 Marrett Road Lexington MA 02420
Time: 3:30pm

Cost: GOLD SPONSOR: $200 GENERAL: $25 AT DOOR: $30

Contact: Jayshree Bala Rajamani

Email: jayshree.rajamani@gmail.com

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