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Link Of Love
A frail thread binds the most beautiful relationship in an inseparable bond of love and trust with God ,with humanity ...It underlines the notion that everybody should live in a harmonius coexixtence with one another. It is the link of Love You're warmly invited to feel the beauty ,essence and inherent strength of spiritual love in a light and uplifting evening of : Enlightening talk Experiential meditation Rakhi tying ceremony Light refreshments With Sister Waddy Sister Waddy is a Rajyogi for over 40 years. She is the Brahma Kumaris Coordinator for the state of Fdlorida and lives in Miami.Her warmth and friendliness bring an instant sense of belongingto all who know her.

Date: 08/06/2022
Location: 75 Common St., Watertown MA-02472
Time: 5:00 p.m-7:00 p.m

Organized By: Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center

Cost: free

Contact: For more information: 617-926-1230 info@bknewengland.org

Web: bknewengland .org
Email: linkofloveeve.evetbrite.com

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