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Art of Living Course in Oxford, MA
If you have been considering taking the Art of Living Course or know someone who would like to....now is the time!

Eliminate the stress from your life and improve every moment of your life with the precious tools and knowledge on the Art of Living!

The six days of the course have changed my life! - MBA Graduate, Age 29yrs

Such practical skills taught on the course need to be a mandatory part of every education! - M.Ed Student, Harvard, Age 30 yrs

One of the fastest growing spiritual practices in the world! - Yoga Journal

Feb. 3-8, 2004
Weekday evenings (6:30-9:30) and weekends (9 am -1 pm)

Date: 02/03/2004
Location: Sarvadev Mandir, 6, South Main Street, Oxford, MA 01540
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 pm

Cost: $250 for adults
$125 for senior citizens and $ 75 for full time students

Contact: To register call: 617.504.4077

Web: www.artofliving.org
Email: artofliving_ma@hotmail.com

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