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200 Hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india
The residential 200 Hours Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yog Van registered with Yoga Alliance USA. This course is for all kinds of people who are passionate about Yoga whether they are Yoga teachers , yoga practitioners, singers, actors , doctors, students, businessmen etc. The course content and teaching pattern has been designed in a way that anybody can learn it very easily. If you want to choose yoga as a career, you are in right direction. After completion of the course, students will be able to share knowledge with their counterparts. There will be a makeover in their personality. And students will be confident and deliver in every field very efficiently. The blessing in disguise is that the students will get health benefit after completion of course. This teacher training is 28 days residential 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Program in Rishikesh , India.Rishikesh is perfect place for Yoga teacher training and retreat.Rishikesh is world captital of Yoga and it is famous for its ancient tradition , natural beauty. Since the ancient time , many saints have been following the spiritual path.You can feel the spiritual energies in Rishkesh and its surrounding area.Only visiting by this , we feel relaxed and calm. It is the tapah(austerity) of those saints and sages , we are blessed with postive energies and vibration. The teacher training program is intended to improve yoga knowledge among the aspirants. In this 200 hour yoga TTC, students learn different yogic practices. There is common perception that asana is yoga but when a person joins this yoga teacher training program , he/she gets to know that there is some deeper aspects of yoga which are needed to be learnt for clear understanding . The course has been divided into two categories i.e. theory sessions and practice sessions. Students practice different yogic practices in different timing on daily basis. The duration of each has also been set. In theory session, students learn the physiological and spiritual effects of these yogic practices. what are the benefits and contra-indications of these yogic practices. In this yoga teacher training course , students learn asana style like Hatha yoga , Ashtanga Yoga. The asanas gross have effect in this physical body so people get health benefits by practicing these.Asanas are helpful in balacing differnt systems working in our body.Asanas removes impurities and toxins from the body and increses blood supply to organs so organs are norished well and in turn , organs work efficiently. But asanas have subtle effect in pranic(energy) body as well.If asanas are praticed with awarenes , these are more effective and unblock the nadis(energy channels).According to yogic text , there are 72000 nadis in the body. If these are blocked , we get diseases.So asanas are helpful in removing energy blockges.Asanas remove energy blockages from annamaya kosha(food sheath) so that prana(energy) becomes subtle enough to enter the next energy sheath. Annamaya kosha is one of the panch koshas(five energy sheath). What is yoga teacher training? Students practice different pranayamas in this yoga course. Pranayamas are breathing practices.And it is proved in many studies that pranayamas has many health benefits.Pranayamas improves lungs capacity and beneficial in many diseases like ashtma , hypertension , diabetes etc.On subtle level pranayamas work on pranamaya kosha(energy seath). People joins yoga studios and they only practice asana there.They don't know about other yogic practices which are helpful in creating balance.One of such practices is Shatkarma. Shatkarmas(six cleansing practices) are part of this yoga teacher training course.The shatkarmas have been mentioned in tradtional hatha yoga texts like hathpradipika , gherenda samhita etc.The shatkarmas do cleansing of differt organs in a natural way.These kriyas purifies digestive system , ears , nostrils , lungs , eyes etc. Mudras(seal) are another yogic practices. These are higher practices which are practiced for awakening the dorment centers in the brain.These create energy circuit and stimulte different energy points present in subtle body so there can be awakening.Mudras are practiced for kundalini awakening as well. Bandhas(energy locks) can be practiced seperately or these are practiced with pranayamas.According to yoga philoshoply , energies are flowing in different directions in subtle body.By applying the bandhas during pranayamas , these reverse the dirctions of energies.So there can be bursting and we can experience the spiritual awakening. But bandhas are beneficial for throat ailments.These balances the digestive system , reproductive system , excretory system.These tones the nervous system and imrpoves blood circulation. Dhyana(Meditation) reduces the stress , axiety.This is helpful in treating chronic fatigue.It is beneficial in high blood pressure , diabetes , respiratory disorders , depression etc. So it is clear that all the above yogic practices have many heatlh benefits and these are part of this yoga teacher training progam.This teacher training program creates harmony in people's life.Also this course improves the yoga skills of students and students get to know , how to teach ? what to teach ? when to teach ? where to teach ?. People from all corners of the world come to Rishikesh to join this course for different purposes. Few want to take a holy dip in yoga, few come only for understanding what the yoga all about is. Few are attracted to spirituality, few for health benefits, and few for only practice. Few students choose yoga as a career so if they join this course they would have an extra edge over others. Food is another important aspect in yoga.The kind of food we eat , it reflects in our personality.The food affects us physically as well as mentally.We serve the satwic food in this yoga course. We are yoga school which run yoga teacher training in rishikesh india. We provide following yoga courses: 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india. 100 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india. Yoga retreat in rishikesh india Beginners yoga course in rishikesh india.

Date: 01/01/2020
Location: Rishikesh Yog Van Him gange resort ,Neelkanth Temple Rd, near Phoolchatti Ashram, Rishikesh, Uttarak
Time: 8:00 AM

Organized By: Rishikesh Yog Van

Cost: $1200(USD)

Food: 3 times vegetarian meal free of cost.

Contact: +91-9997714068

Web: https://www.rishikeshyogvan.com/
Email: rishikeshyogvan@gmail.com

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