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Bharatanatyam Recital by Vibhaa Sivaraman
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon with a Classical Indian dance performance by Vibhaa Sivaraman. This Bharatanatyam performance is by Vibhaalakshmi Sivaraman who is pursuing a PhD at MIT. The vocalist and violinist are also PhD students at MIT. This program is funded by the Council for The Arts at MIT. Vibhaa has performed in various Sabhas in Chennai and is trained in •Kalakshetra• style by K.P. Yesodha who studied at Kalakshetra and has had the privilege of learning from Smt Rukmini Arundale herself. K.P.Yesodha has travelled from India and is doing the nattuvangam herself. Please do attend and encourage A) the MIT students who are pursuing an art amidst their hectic phd schedule. B) the teacher who has put in so much effort.

Date: 05/19/2019
Location: MIT Little Kresge Theater
Time: 15:00

Organized By: Council for the Arts at MIT

Cost: Free and open to all

Web: https://calendar.mit.edu/event/classical_indian_dance_bharatanatyam_recital_by_vibhaalakshmi_sivaram
Email: vibhaa@mit.edu

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