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Academy of Creative Arts - Annual Show
Friends - we would like to invite you to our 2019 Annual Academy of Creative Arts Showcase & Recitals on May 19th from 3 to 5pm... Come see students body of work across different programs - see them showcase their art, dance, singing and other talents acquired at Academy... Its a great opportunity to not just get a feel for all the programs and try them out for FREE but also to encourage our next generation of artists so they pursue their dreams and passions and be successful... We look forward to seeing you at this celebration of our arts and culture...

Date: 05/19/2019
Location: 12 A Street Burlington MA
Time: 3 -5pm

Organized By: Academy of Creative Arts

Cost: Free

Contact: Java Joshi

Web: www.academyofcreativearts.com
Email: info@academyofcreativearts.com

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