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Samarpanam 2019
Samarpanam is a joint venture between Spandha and Sanskruthi schools of dance to raise funs to help a struggling senior musician/dancer. This is a small way for us to give back to the community through our passion for dance. The Students of Spandha and Sanskruthi will present the 1st segment and the feature presentation will be by Smt Sangita Raghunathan and Smt Suman Adisesh with live musical accompaniment from artists in the New England area.

Date: 06/01/2019
Location: Stony Brook Middle School 9, Farmer Way, Wesford MA
Time: 3:30pm

Cost: $20.00 per ticket

Contact: Sangita Raghunathan: rsangit@yahoo.com; 603-714-1151 Suman Adisesh: sumanadi@hotmail.com; 630-965-2945

Web: http://www.lokvani.com/lokvani/cal.php?stage=1&event_id=14313
Email: rsangit@yahoo.com

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