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Hatha Yogasanas Workshop
Hatha Yoga is offered as a set of 36 powerful postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. This profound science enhances how one thinks, feels, and experiences life. Isha’s program requires no special physical agility or previous experience of yoga. It is not merely physical exercise, but enables a person to flower into his ultimate potential; to naturally achieve a state of health, joy, and bliss. Breed Memorial Hall, 51 Winthrop St., Medford, MA 02155 December 9th Saturday 9.00AM - 12.30PM & 5PM - 8.30PM December 10th Sunday 9.00AM - 12.30PM & 5PM - 8.30PM All the sessions are mandatory Program Cost: USD $250 | Age limit: 14 years and above The practice of Yogasanas provides countless benefits including: • Relief of chronic health conditions • Evolution of body and mind towards a higher possibility • Stabilization of the body, mind and energy system • Deceleration of the aging process Yogasanas – Postures to Elevate Your Consciousness Note: This program requires empty stomach condition which means, • 4 hours gap after full meal • 2&1/2 hours gap after light snack like fruits, crackers etc., • 1&1/2 hours gap after coffee, tea etc., • 45 min gap after a cigarette. • 10 hours gap after alcohol For registration, please contact: Jyotsna Hanumara / jyotsna.yogasthanam@gmail.com Note: This is a private program led by an Isha Trained teacher. This program is not organized by Isha Foundation.

Date: 12/09/2017
Location: Breed Memorial Hall, 51 Winthrop St., Medford, MA 02155
Time: 9.00AM - 12.30PM & 5PM - 8.30PM

Organized By: Isha Teacher

Cost: $250

Contact: Jyotsna Hanumara jyotsna.yogasthanam@gmail.com

Email: jyotsna.yogasthanam@gmail.com

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