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The Lowell Folk Festival
IAFPE is proudly sponsoring the No Place for Hate initiative in Lowell, MA, with the support of the Anti-Defamation League and the City of Lowell. As one of our first activities, No Place for Hate volunteers will be working at the Lowell Folk Festival, wearing t-shirts and handing out information about this important anti-hate crime initiative. Our IAFPE summer interns have worked to bring this together and we would like to invite you to join the festivities as well as participate through volunteering.

We are looking for volunteers on Saturday, July 26 and Sunday, July 27, from 12-3pm and/or 3-6pm on each day. Please contact Vasudha Talla at vt260@nyu.edu or 917-545-8422 if you are interested in volunteering.

Date: 07/27/2003
Time: Noon - 7:00 pm

Web: www.lowellfolkfestival.org

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