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Maine Chapter launch of the Wholistic Health Alliance
Are you a Wholistic practitioner looking to connect with patients in your area? Or maybe a business that sells or manufactures natural products? Are you looking to connect with businesses in your area that share your philosophy? Or maybe you are an individual who is interested in living a healthier life style? The Wholistic Health Alliance has something for everyone. Our goal is to build stronger communities through education and connection. We all benefit from working together :) We are very pleased to announce the launch of our Maine State Chapter on Saturday May 7th at the Portland Public library in monument square from 1-3pm. Please join us for the launch event. Come and meet other like minded people, practioners and business owners in your community. Lets build a strong wholistic network here in Maine!! For more details: http://www.wholistichealthalliance.org/Events/WhaEvents https://www.facebook.com/events/1209972789041170/

Date: 05/07/2016
Location: Portland Public Library, 5 Monument Sq Portland, ME
Time: 1-3

Organized By: Wholistic Health Alliance

Cost: 0

Web: https://www.facebook.com/events/1209972789041170/
Email: wholistichealthalliance.group@gmail.com

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