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Once Upon a Time NOT in Bollywood
The play portrays the kinds of struggles moderates face within the left- and right- wing political parties in India. Two such moderates, Malati and Praveen, have had opposing political views since their days growing up together in a village, but enjoyed a romantic... relationship. Despite his love for politics, Praveen’s dream has always been to become a Bollywood actor. He sees his own life events and that of others in the form of songs and dances. His life is surrounded by fellow politicians, family, a mistress, and his own business. The play explores the voices of rich, middle-class, and poor people, obstacles within families for women in politics, and extreme political rhetoric. The main question is whether moderates like Praveen and Malati can survive in a country polarized by divisive campaigns, in their own parties infested with extreme fundamentalist ideology, and with the centrist agenda of minority appeasement.

Date: 06/06/2015
Location: Central Square Theater, Cambridge, MA
Time: 3:00 pm and 8

Cost: $20

Web: https://www.centralsquaretheater.org

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